Winter 2020 - 2021
Touch is one of the most fundamental needs of a human being. Babies deprived of Touch at an early stage never thrive. In this unprecedented year in the history of humanity we have been forced to separate, to distance, to be apart from each other and the only way of bringing true meaning to that is if we come together again in a different way, a way that reminds us that we are part of each other, a way that understands that every Touch whether it be physical, mental or at a distance can be one of Love. The Power of Love goes beyond the physical human emotion of love; it is the basic essence of life within our universe, it is the power within creation and the power that will allow us to begin again.
As Individuals in homes, places of learning & worship and of course in the workplace, experience isolation and uncertainty and a crisis of fear remains as powerful as the virus itself we must bring change. We must not go back to the ways of old until the next virus, war or disaster rips through our human community again. We must create a new world, find a new way and we can begin quite simply by choosing to come together again through compassion, to build our families, communities, organisations on that Principle so that the many can thrive rather than few. It is compassion that overcomes fear for as long as we think only of ourselves we will experience fear and in that fear evil seeds itself and grows.
On an individual as well as an organisational level, now is the time to decide:
What will be your contribution to that new world that will begin to emerge in 2021?
As 2020 draws towards 2021 and the Spiral of Change seeks to move humanity into a better future, it is perhaps time to reflect on what has taken place, the lessons learnt and that which we wish to be our contribution to a better future.
Those who have the courage to stand in the light of their own truth will not seek to go back to the old ways of personal power and destruction but to build a new world, one based on the foundation stones of compassion, collaboration and community, where each takes responsibility for their own thoughts and actions as well as for their consequences. Where finally we remember that we belong to each other and the world we build is not one of individual castles built on sand but of interlinking communities thriving, sharing and taking care of the planet and each other.
Let this Winter be one of reflection and healing, of embracing the beauty of change, and the opportunity it gives us all to begin again, moving forward into a new future not a repetition of the past. May the lesson of unity, bring us all together again in the knowledge that the light is always more powerful than the darkness.
Without healing, a vaccine does nothing but mask the underlying disease that created the virus in the first place. It is time not to just shore up the defences against this and further illness but to deal with the root cause itself, and that lies in the thoughts of selfishness and greed, the absence of love which has reached a pinnacle again in the evolution of humanity.
Now that 2020 draws to a close, it is clear that it is time to create a new way for ourselves, our organisations, our communities and our world.
We invite you to unite with us in being part of that new way and that begins with healing, a return to wholeness, with coming together again within the Principle of Compassion.